Review: My Country; a work in progress at Liverpool Playhouse ***

Ten months on from the vote itself, and with the long road of negotiation ahead, Brexit remains the most divisive of subjects - and the most exhausting of debates.
Hands up who can't face one more 'discussion' at work, in the pub or on social media, let alone another Question Time or Newsnigt?
So the idea of spending an evening listening to the decisive or indecisive, confused or confident, ignorant or indignant, profound or petty, quiet or querulous views of fellow Britons might not sound that appealing.
But while you might not hear anything particularly new, this National Theatre production - based on a host of interviews with people across six areas of the UK and given poetic, rhythmic drive by Poet Laureate (and Liverpool University alumnus) Carol Ann Duffy - might just offer enough theatrical chutzpah to change your mind.
Half-public meeting, half-hustings, introduced by Frankie's Two Tribes and presided over by a worried looking Britannia (Penny Layden), it brings together representatives from Caledonia, Cymru, the North East, Northern Ireland, East Midlands and South West who give voice to a myriad of real people from their localities.

(Credit: Sarah Lee)
And among the Erics and Joannes and Lennys are woven the recognisable pontifications of politicians - the Davids, the Borises, the Nigels and Theresas.
Not every area of the country is represented - the North West for example, and the remain-focussed London and South East.
Still, the 'leave' and 'remain' balance ebbs and flows as people talk about the past, present and future. They break bread and threaten to break heads, they dance on tables and sit desolate by ballot boxes. It reaches a cacophony, and plunges in to uncomfortable silence.
With a topic like Brexit it could all get either very angry or very worthy.
But there's room for humour among the fractiousness, and director Rufus Norris and his cast - whether it be behind desks or in a Von Trapp family So Long, Farewell-like formation, keep the action moving along through the 80-minute running time.
Even if it's towards an uncertain goal.