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Unity Theatre unveils new podcast as part of birthday celebrations

Theatre doors may be physically closed but that certainly doesn’t mean creativity has come to a halt.

Liverpool’s Unity Theatre has launched a new podcast called A Kick up the Arts which is available on the venue’s website or through Spotify or Anchor.

The monthly podcast, hosted by playwright, producer and musician Saphena Aziz and featuring guest contributors, aims to tackle some of the current big talking points in the business.

The first episode (recorded before Coronavirus restrictions came in to force) is now live and features Aziz, playwright Luke Barnes and myself as we debate the term ‘regional’ and whether it does more harm than good.

In it we discuss what we mean by regional, whether it is a dirty word, and if it’s actually true that ‘you have to make it in London to make it’.

A Kick up the Arts is part of the Unity’s current 40th anniversary year celebrations and plans to act as an honest and open forum for debate within the sector, led from a city and venue renowned for such forms of creative conversation.

Future episodes scheduled for release include Sport on Stage, Dirty Money (looking at the ethics around fundraising and sponsorship), and The Class Ceiling.

The podcasts will also be available as transcripts and large-print editions on the theatre’s website for those unable to access audio.

Listen to A Kick up the Arts episode one HERE

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