Public art trail planned for Liverpool business district

An urban trail of public art is set to be created in the city’s business district in collaboration with the Liverpool Biennial.
Liverpool BID Company is commissioning the Biennial to create a five-year art strategy to animate the streets and encourage more people in to the area out-of-hours.
Business bosses hope to turn the area, which covers 85 acres, in to a ‘world-class destination for residents, businesses and visitors to enjoy’.
The business district has been home to public art during previous Biennials, with works including Ai Weiwei’s Web of Light in Exchange Flags during Capital of Culture Year.
It even had its own Banksy, titled Love Plane, on a car park wall in Rumford Street, until the artwork was removed in 2016.
This new plan will see a trail of art including sculptures, installations, light and sound pieces and ‘urban furniture’. A number of locations have already been earmarked as potential sites for the art, including public squares, car parks, streets and derelict plots of land in places including Old Hall Street, Hackins Hey, St Paul’s Square, North John Street, Sweeting Street, Drury Lane and Derby Square.
Bill Addy, chief executive of the Liverpool BID Company, said: “Following a robust public consultation it became apparent to us that there is a real need for public art to add something positive to the area, hence this new partnership with Liverpool Biennial was born.
“The five-year strategy will make the Commercial District BID area more recognisable, more attractive to work and dwell in, and hopefully be the catalyst for further activity and development in the future.
“We look forward to adding to Liverpool Biennial’s already incredible legacy in the city.”
Meanwhile this year's Liverpool Biennial runs from July 14 to October 28.
Photo: Ai Weiwei, Web of Light, 2008. Commissioned by Liverpool Biennial. Credit: Adatabase