Liver Birds on a wing and a world premiere

Carla Lane's Liver Birds are being brought to the stage - and Liverpool audiences are being given the chance to hear a world premiere concert performance next month.
A West End cast will take part in the Liver Birds Flying Home event at the Epstein Theatre on May 30.
Singer-songwriter Barb Jungr and Level 42's Mike Lindup are the team behind the music and lyrics, while the script is courtesy of Linda McDermott.
Carla Lane granted the rights for the adaptation before her death last year.
The audience will see Sandra and Beryl in present day Liverpool, where they meet at their old flat for the first time since the 1970s when Sandra abruptly left with no forwarding address.
Can their friendship be rekindled after all this time? And what will happen to the two Liver Birds?
The audience at the concert will be able to give feedback to the creative team before the musical is fully staged in the future, again in the city.
Liver Birds Flying Home is on May 30. Tickets are £17.50 HERE.