Young Fest at the Bluecoat

Superhero dance party anyone? Or how about a Monster Disco?
The annual Physical Fest is branching out to hold another Young Fest weekend ahead of the main week-long celebration of the best of physical theatre.
The weekend of free activities, on April 2-23, takes place at the Bluecoat and promises a host of activities suitable for three to 13-year-olds and their families.
They include clowning around in an acrobatics and physical comedy workshop, run by Polichinelo Circus and aimed at youngsters aged eight and over; The Rubbish Show, from the Eggpeople, and suitable for all ages, and eoic storytelling by Liverpool improv group Impropriety.
Superhero Dance Party, for ages three to six, is described as a "fun dance workshop" run by Jennifer Essex, who will also return in a performance of Space Rebel Princess.
And on April 23, Tmesis Theatre will host Play & Move workshops, while Heastrung will teach youngsters how to create monster puppets and then invite them along to the Monster Disco.
Meanwhile Liverpool-based Artemis Productions will animate Bluecoat’s gardens with nature-inspired Bob and Gerry, an oversized flora and fauna duo and the incredible Praying Mantas.
Young Fest is free, but book to avoid disappointment as places are limited. Visit for more information.